Finance in the News


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Who really owns Bitcoin now?”
Data reveals how the Bitcoin frenzy attracted new speculators and allowed early investors to cash out (in part).
“Property buyers switch location to avoid stamp duty”
One fifth of first-time buyers, and more than one third of those in London, are changing the location of their property searches to pay less or no stamp duty.
“What financial secrets are your partner keeping from you?”
A latest survey reveals the extent to which partners hide savings and debts from one-another -almost one third of partners have savings they keep secret, with some hiding as much as £50,000.
“Bond funds at bottom of performance tables”
Open-ended bond funds delivered the worst performance of any type of fund on average in May, with the average sterling high-yield bond fund returning less than any other Investment Association (IA) sector.
“G7 left reeling after Trump’s last minute reversal”
With a Tweet, the US president withdrew from the joint communiqué that Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, had heralded as the central achievement of the G7 summit in Quebec.


“Why a little turmoil is no reason to give up on Europe”
Many investors have been spooked by the political events in Italy and Spain, but this market has plenty to offer.
“Put your money where your morals are”
Choosing ethical bonds and stocks is increasingly becoming a way to do good (financially) by doing good as inferior performance becomes more a thing of the past.


“Beware the robo-advisers that can’t give advice”
Investors are unwittingly depriving themselves of vital consumer protection by handing their money to so-called “robo advisers”, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has warned.
“Is Britain’s risky credit boom actually good for middle class borrowers?”
New figured suggest Mark Carney’s gloomy warnings about the nation’s borrowing habits may have been overblown.
“Virtual retirement reality”
How virtual realty can help you empathise with your future self and make you save for retirement.


“Businesses warn that Brexit is delaying industrial strategy.”
The government has been accused of mishandling its flagship industrial policy as Brexit dominates the agenda in Whitehall, with business leaders warning that the strategy is not receiving enough attention.
“Bad weather delayed a rate rise. Now the political climate’s the problem”
The Bank of England is signaling that interest rates might increase but the Guardian examines why there are still good reasons to hold off.


“Will a cashless society lead to chaos?”
In light of recent payment tech and bank problems the Independent asks whether our digital future could have consequences.

Our service is intended to identify the main financial services stories run in the main weekend broadsheets. All of these require a personal subscription to access the news and you will need to organise this directly with the newspapers concerned.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.



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