Finance in the News – w/c 01.04.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Investors face ‘unacceptable’ delays to switch platforms”
Smaller providers imposing transfer blackout periods.
“Rich People’s Problems: Is my ski apartment worth it?”
£5,000 on a weekend away — but I still think it’s value for money.
“Raising the bar into a safe haven?”
In times of crisis investors turn to gold. but does it really have enduring value?
“Probate fees increases delayed by Brexit”
UK government’s failure to find time to adjust the law means charge will not rise on April 1.
“Why investors are worried about the yield curve”
Fluctuating yields on government bonds could signal a contraction in global growth.
“Climate change — the investment issue your children care about”
ESG investing could spark your child’s interest in their Junior Isa or Child Trust Fund.


“Don’t end up like me — run fast from schemes that say they’ll cut your tax”
The Revenue is cracking down, but firms are still advertising elaborate strategies to tempt self-employed people.
“Friday is ISA deadline day — make sure you don’t miss it”
Don’t leave it too late to deposit tax-free savings of up to £20,000.
“Long-term funds are keeping investors in the dark, warns Cambridge study”
Investment funds are providing “insufficient” information to investors, a report by Cambridge University has found.


“We’re told to plan for longer lives, but robbed of our wealth when we do”.
Ian Browne, pensions expert at wealth manager Quilter, says it is prudent for people to plan their finances around the very realistic possibility of living to 100.
“Mortgage prisoners take one step closer to freedom after wasting thousands on sky-high loans”.
Long-suffering mortgage prisoners may soon be free after the City watchdog confirmed it would press ahead with plans to help this group of homeowners.


“UK households spend above their income for longest period since 1980s”
British households have spent more than they received for an unprecedented nine consecutive quarters amid a longer squeeze on real incomes, according to official figures.
“House prices in England fall for first time since 2012”
Slide driven by London and south-east slowdown as Brexit chaos seems to put off buyers.


“One in four savers dipping into their pensions are also still paying in too – but risk a shock tax bill”
People who start tapping pots for any amount over and above their 25 per cent tax free lump sum are only able to put away £4,000 a year and still automatically qualify for tax relief from then onward.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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