Finance in the News – w/c 01.11.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


Budget 2021: How to limit the damage
Householders should protect their finances by responding now to inflation, tax rises and rate increases.
Tech giants defend moves to tackle scammers
MPs call for social media and ecommerce companies to do more to halt a rise in online fraud.
Lenders raise UK mortgage rates as inflation fears take hold
Era of ultra-low deals disappearing fast as markets brace for BoE increase in cost of borrowing.
Taxpayer in court challenge to UK-US data pact
American-born woman defends privacy rights and fights transatlantic information sharing.
Tory MPs give conditional backing to Sunak’s tax rises”
Some will not support further increases and are uneasy at huge expansion of the state.
Junior ISAs are 10 years old — how much is your child’s worth?
Children’s investment accounts have come of age.


The race to fix your mortgage rate for 30 years
Homeowners are paying huge fees so they can lock in a lower rate.
Fire savers: We’re going to retire at 40. Here’s how
It sounds impossible, but with good planning and extreme saving these people are on track to do it.
‘Hi there, it’s Barclays calling’. How to tell when it’s really your bank”
Since the start of this month Barclays has sent its customers a message on its mobile app telling them that the bank is phoning and giving the name of the person who is calling. If a customer answers a call seeming to be from Barclays they can check their app, and if they haven’t got a message, they will know it’s a fraudster on the line.


We are on the brink of a major betrayal of pensioners
There is still time to reverse the Government’s plan to break the ‘triple lock’.
Questor: rise of ‘ethical’ investing and ESG only make BP shares more attractive
The irony about “ethical” investing is that its advocates will end up making shareholders in oil companies richer.
Money Makeover: ‘Have we blown our £40k-a-year dream retirement?’
Can you retire early, satisfy your travel bug and leave money to your children?


How to start investing safely and profitably
Once you’ve got your head round the fees, putting spare cash into shares could bring big rewards.
Planning a loft conversion? Why costs are going through the roof
A rush to get work done after lockdown means homeowners can face a nine-month wait for a builder, plus supply shortages.

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