Finance in the News – w/c 02.12.19


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“The general election and your finances”
Which pledges by the three main parties could have the greatest impact on your wealth?
“Pension tax threat faced by thousands”
HMRC warns over failing to declare annual allowance charges on self-assessment forms.
“Rich People’s Problems: For the love of cash”.
In these uncertain times, nothing beats the feeling of grasping a wedge of fifties.
“Contemporary art delivers returns to rival bonds”
Fine art matches mainstream bonds, though it’s a volatile market.
“Self-employed women, how good is your pension?”
Worrying lack of retirement planning among women who work flexibly.
“Labour to spend £58bn on women’s pension pledge”
‘Expensive’ policy was not counted in manifesto document.


“‘Do you want to be taxed like the Swedes?”
As debate rages over how much the rich should be paying, we analyse whether UK bills are higher or lower than other western nations.
“The hidden cost of pension lump sums”
Taking tax-free cash out of a ‘gold-plated’ pension may lose you thousands of pounds a year.
“Mortgage watch: 10-year deals”
The average ten-year rate has fallen to 2.76%, according to Moneyfacts, a financial data website. This is 0.36 percentage points higher than the average two-year fix.


“How Labour’s ‘rich only’ tax blitz could leave you £10k worse off”
A triple whammy of higher corporation taxes, a bigger tax bill on dividends and the scrapping of valuable reliefs would leave many self-employed people dramatically out of pocket if the Labour Party were to win the general election later this month.
“What the Tory manifesto means for your money”.
The Prime Minister’s suggestions in the 64-page document were generally scant on detail. However, a promise to freeze income tax levels and provide funding for childcare could give a boost to your finances.
“Only a Boris Johnson win will save the British stock market”
The logjam that has held back the stock market is about to be broken. It is increasingly likely the Conservative Party will win a majority on December 12 and Britain will withdraw from the EU at the end of January.


“Becoming a carer for my father has been financially disastrous”
Terry Kirton, 50, on how he quit his job as a nurse but still manages to volunteer for St John Ambulance.
“Mass consumerism is destroying our planet.”
With climate catastrophe on the horizon, we should reject this orgy of consumption – and find joy in not shopping at all.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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