Finance in the News – w/c 03.02.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Have you been mis-sold pension transfer advice?”
Regulatory clampdown on financial advisers transferring final salary-style pensions leaves consumers in the dark.
“The best deals on interest-free overdrafts”
40% charges will be common for those who go into the red.
“Relief for trustees over relaxation of new regulation”
Consultation addresses some concerns but new rules will still lead to increased transparency and red tape.
“Wanted: bright ideas on how to tax the wealthy”
Ahead of the Budget, chancellor Sajid Javid has some tough choices to make.
“Latin and Greek have no place in the investment world”
The industry needs to mind its language and adopt plain English.
“Patience is the best tonic for my portfolio”
Fevertree is my latest purchase — but why didn’t I hold on to Avon Rubber?


“HMRC: We’ve rewritten the rules on child benefit — now pay us £5,200”
A startling example of how Britain’s complicated child benefit rules are catching out families.
“Don’t let a bad tax code break you”
Errors by HMRC can cause financial distress. Here’s what to do if you’ve been affected.
“Should you invest in VCTs?”
Meet one high flyer who saved £30k in tax.


“Revealed in pounds and pence, the true cost of being a landlord”
Property investors are spending thousands of pounds every year on maintenance, turning potential profits into losses.
“Inside story: the booming debt crisis among Britain’s elderly women”
The number of elderly women getting into problem debt has surged over the past decade – while it has dropped among older men.
“Investors have ditched these five ‘recommended’ funds – should you exit too?”
Millions of pounds have been withdrawn from popular funds often promoted by fund shops’ “best-buy” lists. Investors are turning away from poor performing portfolios but it is always worth considering if one should follow the crowd.


“Personal insolvencies jump to nine-year high in England and Wales”
Experts blame insecure employment, universal credit delays and Brexit uncertainty.
“Thousands trapped in limbo by post-Grenfell fire safety standards”
Mounting confusion about cladding has forced many to rent – or live in unsaleable homes.
Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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