Finance in the News – w/c 04.10.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


Market for London’s top-end homes showing ‘signs of life
Wealthy buyers look again at the capital as businesses edge back towards normal working conditions.
Investors surge into VCTs ahead of dividend tax increase
Tax breaks on the higher-risk asset class attract wealthy UK investors on the hunt for yield.
UK retirement schemes urged to ‘shift focus’ from low charges
Bank of England, Treasury and regulators say investments in long-term assets ‘overlooked’.
Time for investors to focus on India
Country offers opportunities, especially with China falling out of favour.
Gordon Brown: universal credit cut deepens the UK’s divide
Benefit rules undermine efforts to get unemployed back to work.
Bonds? Why should we bother?
A fabulous run for fixed income is no guide to the future — especially with rates expected to rise and prices fall.


The 400 families fighting back over thousands of pounds of child benefit fines
Hundreds of parents are taking HMRC to court over penalties they knew nothing about.
Is the share buyback about to replace your dividends?
Warren Buffett’s biggest investments have many things in common, one of which is their ability to regularly buy back their stocks from shareholders.
The end of super-cheap mortgages is coming
Interest rates have been low for 13 years but look set to rise. You can future-proof a deal by locking into a low fixed rate, writes Imogen Tew.


Record NHS waiting times – what you need to know before going private
NHS is overloaded but going private brings cost and complications.
‘Five years after starting our vineyard we’ve made a profit – here’s how’
Britain is fast becoming a centre of wine production. Here’s how winemakers are squeezing cash out of their crops.
Savers ditching final salary pensions face 10% higher fees as advisers hike fees
Costs could jump higher as financial advisers flee the market.


How fraudsters can use the forgotten details of your online life to reel you in
You may think you’ve been careful, but a determined scammer can probably find enough to manipulate you.
How to boost your pension savings at any stage of your career
No matter how old or young you are, now is a good time to secure a better retirement for yourself.

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