Finance in the News – w/c 05.10.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“How to manage your risk of redundancy”
Knowing your rights is key to managing the financial considerations of losing your job.
“Property sellers risk tax penalty amid housing ‘mini-boom’”
Advisers warn of lack of awareness over shortened deadline for paying CGT.
“Investment trust boom in wake of Woodford liquidity concerns”
Trust model helps managers control risks of a sell-off when holding unlisted companies.
“Insurers make pledge on mental health”
Customers complain cover may be refused and decisions are poorly explained.
“Will I be investigated by HMRC for furlough fraud?”
I found the process very complicated, so it’s possible I made errors in haste.
“Investing in the UK is far from a lost cause”
Cheap equities will break out at some point, so be prepared.


“The equity release sales blitz on the elderly”
Katherine Denham became a mystery shopper to find out just how far companies will go to sell products to older customers.
“Beware EU inheritance rules”
Expats living in the EU are being warned to update their wills if they don’t want their home to be automatically inherited by their children.
“Can we challenge our father’s will without incurring hefty legal fees?”
Case study.


“I moved to Sicily and now save £800 a month’”
The people redefining working from home.
“How to invest a £50,000 windfall”
Where and how depends on how long you can leave savings invested.
“Revealed: London’s new buy-to-let hotspots”
Central London rents are falling, while demand is rising sharply for family homes in the city’s suburbs.


“Covid-19 has changed working patterns for good, UK survey finds”
Few staff say they intend to return to their offices five days a week.
“Blue sky thinking: is it time to stop work taking over our lives?”
Anthropologist James Suzman says now is the perfect time to rein in our unsustainable work habits. But is it possible?

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