Finance in the News – w/c 06.01.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Making a will: 10 things you should know”
Common mistakes could cause problems after your death and even cost your heirs their inheritance.
“Lawyers get ready for ‘Divorce Day’”
This year is expected to see the introduction of a ‘no-fault divorce’ bill.
“Gold funds dazzle in list of 2019’s top performers”
Investors in gold and small and mid-caps enjoyed the best returns
“Would your finances pass the 10 year challenge?”
The past decade has been transformational for our finances, but the next could be more challenging.
“Could investing in military tech make your portfolio more defensive?”
Whether we like it or not, spending on arms and security will rise in the next few years.
“Can you work out the true cost of a university education?”
England, Scotland and Wales all have different student loans systems, but greater simplicity is needed.


“Why it may be time to put your faith in an investment trust”
Funds have had some high profile failures and are generally being outperformed. so consider a switch.
“Lenders cut mortgage rates to woo buyers with small deposits”
Help to Buy loans can make mortgages even cheaper, but act quickly.
“Time to jump on the ‘ethical investing’ bandwagon?”
Ethical investing is steadily growing in popularity after years of being a “Cinderella” segment of the market.


“I made a 1,200pc return from Lego’”
How toy investors have built a fortune by trading plastic bricks.
“The Telegraph’s pick of the 10 best ETFs for passive investors who want low-cost funds”
The dramatic growth of “passive” funds has been one of the defining features of the past decade. Scepticism over the ability of fund managers to beat the market has pushed investors towards exchange-traded funds (ETFs), listed funds that offer cheap access to almost all markets.
“Year ahead: key financial dates in 2020 that affect your money”
It was the year of Neil Woodford’s fall from grace, a Conservative leadership battle, a Hallowe’en Brexit that never was and a general election. Looking forward to a calmer new year?


“New year money: how to regain control of your cash”
As a study shows nearly two-thirds of working-age Britons are in debt, here’s how to turn things around.
“UK house prices creep up in 2019 despite Brexit uncertainty”
Average price in December was £215,282, with London weakest performer, says Nationwide.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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