Finance in the News – w/c 06.04.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Coronavirus crisis: your financial rights”
How to navigate government help schemes, the benefits system, redundancy pay and help from banks.
“Can we furlough our nanny and cleaner?”
Uncertainty remains over how the social distancing measures relate to nannies, cleaners and tradespeople.
“Surge in investment account openings on UK platforms”
Renewed interest in investing follows market price correction.
“ESG funds continue to outperform wider market”
More than half of ethical and sustainable funds beat the MSCI World index.
“Small businesses are not ‘all in it together’”
Readers say they fall between the cracks of government support schemes.
“Dividends: from hero to zero”
Cuts are painful for investors, but don’t write off investment trusts just yet.


“How the coronavirus crisis has affected pension savers — the funds that fell 50%”
Tumbling markets amid the crisis have led many to reconsider their retirement plans.
“How to repair your pension pot after the coronavirus crisis”
Ways to mitigate the effects of a market slump.
“Best stocks to buy during the market meltdown”
Fund managers offer some tips for investors wanting to remedy their losses.


“Landlords fear for their future as coronavirus lockdown leads to losses”
The rental market has ground to a halt, rents are falling and existing tenants are struggling to pay.
“We’ve lost our civil liberties – now is not the time to lose our pension freedoms, too”
Once the crisis subsides, we will have to ensure Boris Johnson swiftly hands back the emergency powers he has been granted.
“Markets plunge puts pension freedoms to the test on its five-year anniversary”
A record £9.4bn was taken out of pensions via drawdown accounts in 2019.


“UK government drags its feet over no-interest loan scheme”
Campaigners say scheme for lower-paid workers should be accelerated in face of coronavirus crisis.
“April is the start of the tax year. How will the changes affect me?”
From inheritance tax to junior Isas, the UK government is making adjustments.

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