Finance in the News – w/c 06.07.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“How to get divorced — and keep your fair share of the assets”
Coronavirus prompted a surge in inquiries to divorce lawyers but complicates the financial process of ending a marriage.
“Dividend cover warning for income investors”
Pay-outs set to be slashed as companies protect their balance sheets.
“Wealth tax more likely than ever, former civil service head says”
Levy on assets could help fix inequality highlighted by pandemic, says Gus O’Donnell.
“One in 10 UK workers pause or cut pension contributions”
Economic uncertainty and reduced pay put the brakes on long-term savings.
“How do we ensure our children don’t squander their inheritance?”
“There are only two types of investors”


“Tax adviser who dodged stamp duty on his own home”
Consultant is in trouble again after breaking the rules for a second time.
“When baby-boomers fell in love with bitcoin . . .”
Baby-boomers have been ploughing their money into cryptocurrency while millennial-age investors have been shunning the likes of bitcoin and litecoin, according to a report.
“Is this the dotcom bubble all over again?”
The value of tech stocks keeps soaring, but is it about to end?


“Agents warn of a bubble in frenzied country property market led by fleeing Londoners”
Prices of Britain’s most expensive country homes are going for as much as 17% over asking and are rising the fastest of any type of home.
“Why it’s not too late to buy 2020’s best performing funds”
Funds investing in America and China have starred while British portfolios fall behind.
“Insurers’ long list of coronavirus exclusions push Britons to travel without cover”
Summer holidays are back on the table as the travel ban is lifted, but beware of insurers’ long list of new caveats.


“Sunak considers £500 vouchers for all UK adults to spend in Covid-hit firms”
Chancellor urged to introduce a scheme that has jump-started other countries’ blighted hospitality and retail sectors.
“Scrapping the pensions triple lock would disadvantage young people in future”
Ending the government guarantee has been touted as ‘fair’. But the main beneficiaries would be fund managers.

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