Finance in the News – w/c 07.11.22


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


A child’s eye view of the cost-of-living crisis
From saving pocket money to better budgeting and giving to charity, children’s financial habits are changing.
UK private wealth portfolios down by up to a third
Market losses, inflation and currency movements combine to hurt savers this year.
Householders warm again to wood-burning stoves
Families seek a traditional alternative as gas and electric prices soar.
Falls in UK mortgage rates predicted as BoE signals dovish outlook
Lenders say cost of fixed-rate deals will come down, but warn it will take time.
Tax perks for holiday rentals under scrutiny
OTS recommends a review of short-term lets regime.
UK house prices fall in October as borrowing costs rise
Market upheaval following mini-Budget hits property sector as household finances are squeezed.


Why you could be in negative equity by the summer
Falls in house prices could mean that recent buyers with small deposits will soon owe more than their property is worth.
Is it time to put the heating on?
The cost of heating is higher than ever before, but can people afford to delay warming their homes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Good news for Isa savers at last
Savers can now get 2.5% from an easy-access cash Isa from Marcus by Goldman Sachs, and 4.65% on two, three and five-year deals from the State Bank of India.


Savers owed £7bn as banks hold back on better rates
MPs call on banks to ‘do the right thing’ and pay savers what they deserve.
How much the new tax raid on pension savings will cost you
Treasury considers extending freeze on lifetime allowance to 2028.
Why Londoners receive £50,000 more in state pension payments
Pushing up the state pension age will leave thousands short in retirement.


Car insurance: how to get the right policy at the best price
It’s worth planning ahead when you renew. Here’s how to make sure you cut cost of your premiums.
National insurance tax cut: what it means for you
The rise of 1.25p in the pound that employees have been paying since April is being reversed.

Articles on this website are offered only for general information and educational purposes. They are not offered as, and do not constitute, financial advice. You should not act or rely on any information contained in this website without first seeking advice from a professional.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. Capital is at risk; investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with payments on your mortgage.

All of these require a personal subscription to access the news and you will need to organise this directly with the newspapers concerned.

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