Finance in the News – w/c 09.03.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Using ISAs to fund your retirement”
Pensions and ISAs can be used in tandem to generate a tax-efficient income stream for older investors.
“Readers support FT campaign for clear pension charges”
Clear message is: ‘savers need to know what they are buying and what they are paying’.
“The many confusing shades of green for investors”
All portfolios should at least nod to the idea that there’s more to life than short-term profits. But how?
“Should we keep calm and carry on investing?”
Money worries have taken on a new meaning with the market woes and the Budget next week.
“You too could become an ISA millionaire”
John Lee and others reveal their stocks and shares ISA investment strategies.
“Maturing Child Trust Funds to provide £700m bonanza”
Over 400,000 teenagers will be eligible to claim funds from later this year.


“Stamp-duty: The cruel tax cost of my wife’s care”
A man buying a house to be closer to his wife’s nursing home is facing a £21,000 tax surcharge under stamp duty rules designed to hit landlords.
“Our £9,000 child benefit bill”
A couple were caught out by complex child benefit rules after not realising that having a company car had pushed them over the claims limit.
“Are VCTs’ juicy tax breaks worth the risk?”
Wealthy investors who fear further clampdowns on pension tax relief have been turning to venture capital trusts (VCTs), ploughing £731 million into these schemes last year, up from £269 million in 2012-13.


“How to avoid doing ‘irreparable damage’ to your pension in falling markets”
Pensioners have been urged not to withdraw large amounts of cash from their investment pots as they risk locking in the steep losses made by markets in the past month.
“Fund shops under pressure for recommending their own funds”
Experts and the City watchdog warn there could be conflicts of interests in fund shop best-buy lists.
“‘I’ve seen lottery winners lose their fortune’: tips from a financial adviser to the super-rich”
Paul Gibson is one of those attempting to protect these newly wealthy people from losing it all.


“How will coronavirus hit money, pensions and property prices?”
The Guardian looks at whether you should sell shares and hold off buying a home, or just sit tight.
“UK house price recovery at mercy of coronavirus, warns Halifax”
Bank says Brexit worries are no longer holding back sales but virus could hit property market.

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