Finance in the News – w/c 09.09.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Woodford crisis shines spotlight on fund supermarket ‘best-buy’ lists”
Experts warn of the dangers of investors’ reliance on platforms’ recommendations.
“Is it time to seek value in unfashionable investments?”
Doubts rise about the sustainability of US tech earnings.
“Big tech will continue to drive your portfolio”
Cloud storage and 5G are among high-growth sectors — but you’ll need to look beyond the UK.
“Blow for pensioners as bond market rally hits annuities”
Savings pots producing much lower annuity incomes.
“Judge says HMRC made up figures to scare people”
Tax authority ‘plucked from the air’ numbers to frighten taxpayer on incapacity benefit.
“Overhaul urged for ‘unfair and outdated’ tax system”
Duties on capital gains at same rate as income could raise £90bn, says think-tank.


“Beware the hidden costs of credit”
You may be aware that it is very expensive to withdraw cash from an ATM with your credit card, but did you realise that the same applies to exchanging currency, buying a gift voucher or even paying to play fantasy football?
“There’s only one sure way to guard against Corbynomics”
Even the most well-considered political policies have unintended consequences, so rethinking your affairs based on an assumption about what might happen can be dangerous.
“How investors can cash in on Sajid Javid’s spending review”
Construction is a winner in last week’s rethink.


“No-deal Brexit could trigger house price falls of 20pc in 2020”
Analysis by KPMG found that house prices are likely to drop by around 6 % across every region in Britain if there is no Brexit deal.
“Three ‘hipster’ investments you shouldn’t touch with a barge pole”
Most new investments prove to be passing fads; few stand the test of time.
“The HMRC glitch that means middle earners are taxed as if they earn £100k”
Experts have warned that those earning around £70,000 to £80,000 a year could easily fall foul of a glitch in HM Revenue and Customs’ software if they receive a sizeable bonus.


“Not so grand: the FCA must protect investors in high-risk mini-bonds”
Should investors who buy high-risk bonds be compensated when things go wrong?
“Are packaged current accounts still worth it?”
As Nationwide downgrades its FlexPlus account, customers need to weigh up value of added extras.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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