Finance in the News – w/c 10.08.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Will eating out really help out?”
Customers have been rushing to grab a £10 discount on dining out this August.
“Students face a tough financial lesson in UK”
Potential undergraduates and their families face difficult choices after A-level results next week.
“Can active fund managers deliver higher returns than ETFs?”
Despite the lure of beating the index, for every winner there is a loser and higher costs can erode gains.
“‘Motherhood penalty’ made worse by the effects of the pandemic”
Women more likely to take unpaid leave from work to care for children.
“Q&A: What a change to CGT could mean to you”
A forthcoming review of how capital gains tax is paid has worried those who fear it will lead to higher levies.
“Books to challenge your vision of the future”
How seeking certainty about what lies ahead gets us into no end of trouble.


“Have banks given up on the high street?”
The pandemic is hastening the death of branches and pushing us all online.
“Now our only hope of a home is the Bank of Gran and Grandad”
As the crisis hits savings and makes it even harder for young people to get a mortgage, family help is more important than ever.
“More controversy over the handling of Woodford’s failed fund”
Plans to oust Neil Woodford and dissolve his fund may have been considered only a month after investors were banned from taking out their money — a move that ultimately cost them £1 billion.


“How would a wealth tax work and what would it look like?”
Property wealth is a vast and mostly untapped source of potential tax revenue.
“Four stocks to buy to benefit from rising gold and silver prices”
Mining company shares outpace precious metal prices when rising, but also when they fall.
“Gold is flying – should you buy other ‘alternative’ investments as well?”
Options include coins, wine and cars but the assets split the crowd.


“UK consumer lending will plummet during 2020, say forecasts”
Personal loans and credit card debt expected to fall 16% as lending to businesses surges.
“Tax affairs of 246 footballers being investigated by HMRC in 2019-20”
Players pay 19% tax on image rights compared with 45% on wages.

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