Finance in the News – w/c 10.12.18


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Votes for women, a welfare crisis and today’s tax culture”
We can expect more stealth charges on wealth like the new probate fees.
“Longevity — the biggest business opportunity of the 21st century”
Industry needs to recognise that ageing is not just a problem, but an opportunity.
“The growing might of the Bank of Mum and Dad”
The property wealth of your parents is crucial to getting on the ladder.
“The Final Salary Countdown: a soundtrack for the pensions industry”
Could music strike the right note to encourage reluctant retirement savers?
“Bulk annuity pension deals set to hit £30bn in 2019”
The bulk annuity market is set for a record year in 2019 as UK companies rush to pass their unwanted pension schemes on to insurance companies.


“To beat the market, you can try planes, claims and . . . boilers”
Aircraft leasing and lawsuits are among the alternative investments on offer to daring savers.
“The tax trap that’s catching out thousands of new mums”
The state pension depends on women claiming child benefit — even if they are not eligible for it.


“This little-known inheritance tax trick could let you pass on £975,000 tax free”
In 2007 a new rule made it possible to transfer unused allowances between spouses when one partner died. This gives a widow or widower up to £650,000 in basic IHT-free allowances and £250,000 in additional allowances if eligible.
“Some Aim stocks have halved: here are six bargains on offer after the heavy market sell-off’”
London’s junior stock exchange fell by more than any other UK market in October, registering its largest monthly fall in more than a decade. As a result, now is a great time to seek out potential bargains, according to leading fund managers.


“Mayor Sadiq Khan to look at imposing rent controls in London”
The mayor of London has hinted that he is considering introducing rent controls across the capital in a radical overhaul of private rental laws.
“Expand ‘commonhold’ ownership system, government urged”
Law Commission backs move that would offer alternative to landlord-controlled leaseholds.


“Back May’s deal or risk losing jobs and factories in a car crash Brexit”
Ford’s boss outlines his view that if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, it will be a ‘catastrophe’.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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