Finance in the News – w/c 11.10.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


How to downsize your property
Empty nesters must consider personal and social issues as well as money and tax.
Mortgage rate war reaches buy-to-let landlords
Competition between lenders is spreading beyond the mainstream UK market for owner-occupiers.
Switch to value stocks to prepare for inflation
While the UK government will raise taxes it will also use inflation to cut the weight of its huge debt.
Financial cleansing deters investment in China
The markets are dominated by international tensions.
Time for investors to focus on India
Country offers opportunities, especially with China falling out of favour.
“‘I believe bitcoin is the best form of money’”
Peter McCormack, voice of the ‘What Bitcoin Did’ podcast, appears on FT’s Money Clinic.


The real odds of winning on Premium Bonds — welcome to 5487, you’ve won £1,000
It’s an extremely long wait before your odds improve, yet savers are still up for the draw, writes Imogen Tew.
Love your Aga? Then get ready for a very expensive winter
While the focus of attention has been on the lack of supply at the petrol pumps and a surge in the price of gas and electricity supplied via the national grid, off-grid heating oil customers have been counting the cost of not buying their fuel in advance for the colder months.
Fiscal drag: Rishi Sunak’s secret budget weapon is to just do nothing
Fiscal drag is an easy way for the government to raise cash without unpopular tax rises.


Landlord tax bills fall to lowest level since 2016
Average saving of £3,000 during stamp duty holiday.
‘Can I sue my son’s university for doing lectures online?’
Ask a Lawyer: most lectures were conducted online during the pandemic, to mixed reviews.
Money Makeover: ‘How do I clear my debts so I can look after children?’
A church pastor needs help clearing £15,000 of medical and credit card bills before she can help others.

How to sell items online safely and profitably
Here’s how to declutter your home, from eBay to MusicMagpie – and make money in the process.
Energy crisis: Treasury reprimands Kwarteng after help for firms claim
Source close to Rishi Sunak accuses business secretary of ‘making up’ talks with chancellor about support.

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