Finance in the News – w/c 12.07.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


Covid leaves students with a bitter financial legacy
Those at university have struggled in lockdown and their money problems are likely to persist beyond graduation day.
UK advertising watchdog to crack down on misleading crypto marketing
ASA identifies digital asset promotions as ‘red alert’ priority for oversight.
Sunak hints strongly at break with pensions ‘triple lock’
UK chancellor could suspend policy as Treasury struggles to contain pandemic spending.
Space: the new frontier for investment trusts
Experts warn that the sector should be ranked with other alternatives.
Ban on cold calling by pre-paid funeral providers
Commission payments to middlemen will also be barred by the FCA in 2022.
Why art and sneakers usually fail to make the investment grade
A genuine asset has a residual value — but it’s impossible to judge what a collectible is worth.


Find your perfect blend of stocks and bonds for retirement
Many believe that the 60:40 stocks and bonds split is the perfect blend for a pension fund. It may be time to change the mix.
If you want income stocks, look to the US and Europe
Even after a vaccine-related bounce, investors searching for income from UK companies have struggled. Since the start of 2020 the average UK fund has pretty much only just broken even. For investment trusts it has been better and they have produced an average return of 5.6%.
The £29bn mortgage race is on
With billions of deals coming to an end in October, it is time to grab a record-breaking rate now.


Meet the landlords forced to bribe tenants to leave properties
‘I even offered to pay the deposit on a new rental to get rid of them’, one buy-to-let investor said.
NS&I green savings bonds ‘doomed to fail’
New green bonds unlikely to beat best buy rates, experts warn.
Why an expensive stamp duty tax trap is looming for returning British buyers
Brits will be considered foreign for tax purposes if they have been abroad for more than six months.


UK wealth gap widens in pandemic as richest get £50,000 windfall
Resolution Foundation finds rising house and asset prices have ‘turbo-charged’ gap between richest and poorest.
How to avoid insurance premium increases as lockdown ends
Loyal customers face price rises of up to 50% when they try to renew their cover, and yet more pain looks likely in future.

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