Finance in the News – w/c 13.05.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Money Spinners: how to make royal savings as a new parent”
A sound start with junior ISAs, tax-free childcare and child benefit.
“Pension allowances: the truly punitive — and the reasonable”
Merryn Somerset Webb – “Why I’ve changed my mind about the lifetime allowance”.
“Will inherited wealth help or hurt those you love?”
Too many families fail to have a conversation about the money they’re passing on.
“The rush to equity release”
Record numbers use the value tied up in their property to fund retirement.
“Fears of QE-forever cycle turns spotlight on hedging”
This sugar-high circularity is great when markets are buoyant but painful when they reverse.
“London buy-to-let profit hits average of £248,000”
Landlords across England and Wales make average gross gain of £79,770 when selling.


“Beware of cloned ISAs: scammers are pushing fake savings plans online”
They look just like deals from trusted brands, but invest in these ‘ISAs’ and you may never see your cash again.
“Car insurance: report a dodgy driver and it could be you who pays”
Mary Tuck thought she was doing the right thing when she called her car insurer to report another driver’s dangerous behaviour.
“A pension pause to save for a house could cost £92,000”
Opting out for a decade to save £50 a month can have catastrophic effects.


“How to invest your way to Eton and Harrow for just £300 a month”
Average fees increased by 3.7pc this year, according to the Independent Schools Council (ISC), and are expected to continue to rise as schools struggle to meet the cost of staff pensions.
“Bank of Mum and Dad fights back by charging kids interest on loans”
The soaring price of houses has left the baby boomer generation with huge amounts of wealth. A report on intergenerational finance published last week by the City watchdog concluded that they were on average £78,000 better off than people of the same age a decade ago.
“Exposed: the investment funds with hidden costs up to five times higher”
In almost 100 investment funds The Telegraph found hidden charges that exceeded the main fee advertised. Experts said investors would be amazed by the scale of the real costs compared with what they thought they were paying..


“The lost £19bn: how to trace those forgotten pension pots”
As people move jobs they can leave behind funds and forget about them. With 10 million auto-enrolled in workplace pensions, the issue is getting more acute.
“Number of public sector pensioners on £100k trebles in seven years”
Critics say it’s unfair on younger workers who must fund such generous payouts as well as paying more for their own retirement.


“Scientific theory says there IS an easy way to make money: The little nudges that can make you rich ”
The idea behind it is called ‘nudge theory’, which was brought to prominence by Nobel prize winning American behavioural scientist Richard Thaler in a 2008 book Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth And Happiness. Co-authored with Cass Sunstein, it looks at what subtle actions (nudges) we can take ourselves – or encouraged by companies and the Government – to prompt better decisions.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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