Finance in the News – w/c 14.01.18


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Open banking: the quiet digital revolution one year on”
Low public awareness of the many benefits that come with the new rules.
“Why now is the worst time to start a divorce”
In the UK capital gains tax charges can add insult to injury.
“New rules on switching aim to help UK ‘mortgage prisoners”
FCA seeks respite for thousands of borrowers locked into deals with inactive lenders.
“One in five UK baby boomers are millionaires”
Analysis of ONS statistics shows extent of intergenerational wealth inequality.
“Treasury to review ‘unfair’ tax avoidance measures”
MPs force rethink on disguised remuneration schemes used by thousands of contractors.


“Everything you ever wanted to know about fund platforms”
A guide to navigating the fund platform maze.
“Boost your income with high-yield shares”
Pay-outs are rising, but experts warn caution as stocks paying the biggest dividends may be the riskiest investments.


“Biggest banking shake-up’ fails to increase current account switching”
Just 15,000 extra banking customers switched their current accounts last year despite changes described as “the biggest shake up” to Britain’s banks – Open Banking.
“I’m selling now to beat Brexit house price crash’: should homeowners gamble on a property market slump?”
This week a report published by OneFamily, a mortgage and investment provider, warned that as many as 136,000 first-time buyers are holding off because they are unsure what impact Brexit will have on the property market.


“How to organise a funeral without paying unnecessary costs”
More people will die this week than at any other time of the year, official figures show.
“Probate: the best way to deal with the will and estate”
From where to seek legal guidance through to the self-help or expert options


“Chancellor’s firm pays paltry tax bill as Hammond tells web giants to pay ‘fair share’”
A private company in which Philip Hammond holds an interest has paid virtually no tax – despite making £1.6million in profits since he joined the Government.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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