Finance in the News – w/c 14.02.22


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


Landlords opt for energy-efficient homes ahead of rule changes
Landlords are obliged to make energy efficiency improvements at their own expense.
Freetrade ordered to remove social media posts by FCA
Regulator intervened after two posts by personal finance influencer.
UK-EU rule split risks complexity for ESG investors
Confusion and extra costs could be in store for British savers.
Mining stocks: dig deep for good dividends
In inflationary times, look at income-rich resources stocks.
Sunak’s energy rebate leaves the poorest out in the cold
Energy crisis measures should help those most in need, not people like me.
Energy grid tech is on the charge
Spiralling demand for renewable energy generation presents an investment opportunity.


Never mind rising energy bills, we’re not turning the heating down
Lights on, heat on, back door open: confessions of the energy sinners.
The pensions that charge you five times more
Check your retirement fund for sneaky fees.
‘We wanted to move a pension. It cost us £8,800 for someone to say we couldn’t’
Julie Thorpe wanted to unlock her £920,000 final salary pension and manage it herself, but she was told she had to get a financial adviser.


‘I lost £16k trying to evict an unruly tenant’
The eviction process is 155 times slower than at the end of 2019.
Retirement savers are sleepwalking into a pension disaster
More than £15bn in workplace pensions is invested in funds that are ‘no longer fit for purpose’
National Insurance rise could be scrapped if Government cracks down on rampant fraud
Government accused of writing off billions in lost public money


How the UK can cut carbon emissions and reduce household energy bills
The country’s reliance on gas for heating, electricity generation and heavy industry comes at a heavy cost.
UK needs 230,000 new rental homes to meet growing demand
With more people renting for longer, UK will face a shortfall in private rented property, analysis shows.

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