Finance in the News – w/c 14.06.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


Has Covid wrecked your retirement plans?
Millions have seen their pension prospects shaken by the pandemic.
Mortgage interest burden lightens in spite of soaring UK house prices
Rock-bottom rates have brought annual interest payments to a 20-year low.
Cash ISA surge leaves savers vulnerable to inflation
The best interest rate deal on an easy-access cash account is just 0.46%.
Can I donate cryptocurrencies to charity?
Case study: I want to support good causes, but don’t understand the tax rules.
Time for an investment step change
Go active in the US to capture mid-cap growth and shift to passive in the UK.
The million pound pension problem
Four taxing questions to ask well before your 60th birthday.


I delayed our wedding to save thousands in tax
You may think getting hitched is good for your finances, but being unmarried can benefit buy-to-let investors.
Does a £400k pension buy a happy retirement?
The Times look at what you need to save for a comfortable future.
Inflation is back, and so is the rush to buy gold
Bullion can protect your savings from rising prices.


Renting a home now cheaper than buying due to soaring house prices
In May the average monthly rent for a four-bed property was £1,805.
Money Makeover: ‘I need £50k a year – should I sell my buy-to-lets?‘”
Stefan Reynolds isn’t sure whether to back property or the stock market to fund his pension.
Estate agents cutting fees to entice homeowners to sell up
Demand is outstripping supply and agents are fighting to own whatever listings they can find.


Scammers clone trusted brands to steal retirement money
The names of firms such as Saga are being used to gain the confidence of the vulnerable and steal their hard-earned cash.
Child trust funds: parents urged to move ‘forgotten’ savings
If you opened an account but it has slipped off your radar, it may be time to check if you could do better elsewhere.

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