Finance in the News – w/c 14.10.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Are VCTs worth the risk for higher earners?”
Tantalising tax breaks attract investors but experts warn over potential volatility.
“How you structure your finances is just as important as what you hold”
Could Retirement Interest Only mortgages be an option for many older people?
“A fifth of over-45s expect to leave work to become carers”
Women more likely to cut their careers short to look after relatives.
“Green revolution will mean challenges and opportunities”
The EU’s environmental agenda will be a painful transition.
“Pensions tax relief rules ‘in need of reform’”
Money purchase annual allowance system leaves savers exposed to tax traps.
“How can I protect against an increase in maintenance to my ex-wife?”
Case study: She is threatening to change our maintenance agreement.


“‘Tired of experts? Not when it comes to our crazy tax laws”
In the past week, we’ve seen the rejection of proposals that would have extended the power of the Financial Conduct Authority so that it could protect consumers from incidents such as the collapse of London Capital & Finance and all those dreadful unregulated savings scams on Google. We also had the Tories demanding that inheritance tax be scrapped.
“Bring me sunshine in my pension — by not betting it all on the market”
Wondering what to do with the freedom to use your retirement funds how you want? Start by asking how many risks you should take.
“‘Ethical’ fund holdings include Prudential and Coca-Cola”
Analysis shows stock-pickers may not be as principled as investors.


“Government forced to axe plans for new probate fee ‘death tax’”
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has bowed to pressure and abandoned its plan for a dramatic increase in probate fees, following a campaign by the Telegraph.
“Accidental landlords forced to sell up before April tax crunch”
The number of “accidental landlords” has plummeted in the last year as owners abandon the sector ahead of a new tax crackdown on rental properties in April.
“’I had to sell my house because of the state pension changes’ – Fifties women on discrimination”
Women who were told by judges they were not discriminated against when their state pension age was increased have bemoaned the hurdles placed in front of them in the workplace.


“Phantom debts that have come to haunt energy customers”
Bills for thousands are being sent out by Extra Energy, which ceased trading last year.
“Labour plans for utilities would cost the UK £200bn, says CBI”
Labour’s plans for a sweeping renationalisation of utilities would cost Britain almost £200bn, the Confederation of British Industry has said.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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