Finance in the News – w/c 15.07.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Inheritance tax: what does the future hold?”
The main proposals for reform of Britain’s ‘most hated tax’.
“Woodford affair has shaken the faith of DIY investors”
The industry needs to realise that we’re not just investing money, but our trust.
“Highest yielding shares underperformed FTSE 100 over five years”
Top income stocks tend to be unsustainable over the long term, data show.
“Investing in wine: has Burgundy’s bubble burst?”
As demands change, prices start to lag behind other wine regions.
“I’m writing a will — how do I choose an executor?”
Experts advise the person to trust with this task should ideally be younger than you are.
“Your state pension: are there missing years in your contributions?”
Hundreds of thousands of UK workers risk using inconsistent information to plan retirement.


“‘You don’t have to be super-rich to build a tax haven from Corbyn”
A poll has found that a hard-left government’s fiscal policies would see Britain’s richest fleeing the country. But do tax grabs work?
“PCP car buyers in negative equity”
Owners of cars bought with loans face a double whammy of costs.
“Which is the better investment: a fund or a trust?”
Same managers, same holdings — but investment trusts can often be a better option than their ‘mirror’ funds.


“£400m investor: ‘We shunned British stocks and our returns went up’”
Some investors are happy to spend plenty of time managing their portfolio of funds, whereas others prefer a more hands-off approach. The £395m Brunner Investment Trust sets out its stall for the latter camp.
“One in four investors stuck with assets they cannot sell”
A quarter of investors are stuck with assets they want to sell but cannot easily get rid of, research shows.
“How insurers use a hole in regulations to charge for ‘forgotten’ policies”
Consumers who insure small devices like mobile phones on a monthly basis could be left paying for policies for years due to a hole in regulations.


“High street suffers ‘summer slump’ as Brexit and wet weather bite”
Footfall drops to seven-year low for June prompting fears UK economy is at a standstill.
“Business has good reason to fear Boris Johnson’s Brexit plans”
The favourite for Downing Street has aggravated the uncertainty that is undermining confidence and hitting sterling/


“Should I fake a divorce with my wife so we can split my pension and avoid a tax bill, then remarry her?”
This is Money columnist Steve Webb and lawyer Fiona Wood jointly tackle a reader question about shamming a divorce to dodge tax.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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