Finance in the News – w/c 17.05.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


Emerging markets: risk, reward and Covid
Retail investors are increasing their exposure, hoping to anticipate a post-pandemic recovery.
Money Clinic podcast: Should I borrow to invest?
Exploring the risks of using debt to boost your assets.
How to level up your investment portfolio
Regional opportunities as the government seeks to address the north-south divide.
Could real money stack up as an inflation hedge?
Collectable coins are a far better bet than a cryptocurrency that overreacts to a social media tweet.
Even non-ESG funds now have a greenish tinge
Investors have fewer choices than the full-on ESG marketing suggests.
Growth in private school fees slows during pandemic
Independent sector expects a surge in pupil numbers as parents worry about loss of education.


The new mortgage quiz that will stop you getting a loan
Even if your income wasn’t affected by the pandemic, lenders can still refuse you a mortgage.
Why it’s oil that you need to worry about when it comes to inflation
A sustained bout of rising prices spooked many investor, leading to a dip in share prices.
Watch out, that cheap investment is no longer a bargain
Some trusts have risen sharply so you need to shop around for the exceptions.


“’I tried to use crypto profits to buy a £1m house but my lawyer blocked me‘”
Home-buyers using profits from cryptocurrencies are being rejected by solicitors and lenders.
Why the expat retirement dream could be gone forever
Sun-seeking pensioners no longer have the same rights following Brexit.
How to the dodge the £8,000 annuity trap
More than 30,000 savers each year miss out on an average of nearly £8,000 by failing to shop around when they buy an annuity.


Hidden cost of umbrella companies in UK ‘may top £4.5bn a year
Unions and tax experts call for greater regulation as those affected thought to exceed 600,000 workers.
You want to go on holiday abroad and pay later … but be aware of the risks
Demand is pushing up prices, and many are seeking a loan to cover costs. It’s never been easier, but keep your eyes open.

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