Finance in the News – w/c 17.06.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Woodford: the fallout for investors”
The suspension of the manager’s key fund could have wide consequences for the industry.
“Digitisation gives the bull market fresh legs”.
We’ve already seen a transformation in the US. Why not here too?
“Conservative leadership hopefuls: personal finance pledges”
Income tax cuts, abolishing VAT and making student loans cheaper among the policy proposals.
“The heavy cost of policing financial services”
The UK spends far more on regulating the finance industry than on fighting organised crime.
“Who’s pulling your money strings?”
Create your own set of rules and you’ll find your financial life less stressful.
“How should I invest my grandmother’s wealth to pay for her care?”
Her empty house is expected to sell for more than £1m.


“‘Fund management industry faces probe by Nicky Morgan’s Treasury select committee”
Investigation to be launched after Money highlights concerns over charges and lack of transparency.
“Revealed: funds that tie up your money in stocks you can’t sell”
Neil Woodford’s not the only manager to have cash invested in higher-risk unlisted companies.
“Buy-to-let is back: why not join the party”
The Times outlines the options for investors wanting to dip a toe in the market.


“State pension age rise: your ultimate guide to retiring eight years early”
Fight back against increases in the state pension age and retire up to eight years early with Telegraph Money’s ultimate guide to bridging the retirement gap.
“Why the threshold for free social care is much lower than you think – and five other things you didn’t know about care”
It’s fairly common knowledge that those with assets worth more than £23,250 will have to pay for their own care in later life. But far fewer of those in need realise that they may need to dig deep even if they have as little as £14,250.
“Telegraph 25”
The definitive list of our favourite investment funds – and the three changes made for 2019.


“Millions at risk of retiring on incomes below living wage”
Pensions providers have been called on to do more to encourage people to save for their retirement as estimates suggest millions of people are at risk of retiring on incomes far less than the current “national living wage”.
“Letting fees ban: agents urge landlords to increase rents”
The government has banned agencies from ripping off tenants – but there is evidence that rents are rising to offset the losses.


“What is the downside of signing my house over to our children to avoid care fees?”
A couple in their 70s ask if they should pass on their home to their children.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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