Finance in the News – w/c 18.01.22


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


UK mortgage demand cools amid economic concerns
Would-be homebuyers confound forecasters and turn cautious, BoE survey.
State pension plans: pressure set to grow on UK government
ONS revises its forecasts on life expectancy.
How to reclaim shareholder power and reshape companies
Personal investors can impose their own principles on businesses by revitalising voting rights.
Investors continue to shun UK equity funds
Outflows topped £4.4bn last year, the worst annual performance since 2018.
Feeling the tax freeze chill?
Hidden costs of frozen thresholds tempt more higher earners to consider VCTs.
Crypto winners cannot dodge the tax authorities
Gains will make you liable for capital gains tax — but there are ways to mitigate the costs.


‘We’re using our electric car battery to power our home’
You will soon be able to buy electricity at night, when it is cheap, then store it in your vehicle for use at peak times with bidirectional charging.
What if high inflation hangs around for years?
David Brenchley looks at how you should invest to combat soaring prices.
Warnings from history are hard to ignore, but is it really time to sell?
How much is enough? That is a fundamental question for anyone investing to build an adequate fund to pay for enjoyable retirement. Unfortunately, nobody knows what investment returns will be in future — or how long we will have to make our money last.


I transformed my buy-to-let portfolio to make bigger profits
The Secret Landlord: it’s not all about yields – you need a range of properties to create the ideal mix.
Record number of landlords cut tax bill by setting up new companies
Nearly 50,000 new tax-efficient businesses were launched last year.
Property drought leaves each estate agency with just 12 houses to sell
A shift to rural living has sparked to a dearth of available properties for sale, driving up prices, according to Rightmove.


UK households facing ‘fuel stress’ will treble to 6.3m – thinktank
Middle-income families will also find it hard to cope with new energy cap in April, says thinktank.
UK taxpayers warned over high charges from rebate claims firms
Be wary of firms offering to help secure refunds from HMRC but then taking up to half of repayments.

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