Finance in the News – w/c 18.02.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“How to improve your credit score”
Being thrifty and having money in the bank is not enough to be judged creditworthy.
“‘Research reveals who made the most money from UK property”
New study pinpoints the most profitable time to buy a house in the past 15 years.
“Labour joins tussle over ‘unfair’ tax avoidance charge”
Treasury urged to turn its fire on scheme promoters.
“Trusts remain out of favour with wealthy families”
Tax and privacy concerns result in an ‘image problem’ for planning structures.
“Readers respond to ‘Living in the shadow of a tax scandal’”
HMRC has been very aggressive, phoning the business and on one occasion turning up at the offices unannounced
“Investors warn executives that pensions fairness is vital”
Expect arguments at AGMs as some companies tackle largesse but others don’t.


“Expect arguments at AGMs as some companies tackle largesse but others don’t”
MPs are planning to force a vote on probate fees to stop the government pushing through huge increases in cost “by stealth”.
“Get on the tail of the real culprits in this tax plot”
Many rush to condemn the Ryanair pilots who face huge bills after having their wages paid through what looks like a tax-avoidance scheme
“How to look after your finances when you get divorced”
Going through a divorce or separation from a long-term partner can be one of the most financially vulnerable moments in your life. The Times talk to those in the know about how you can prepare for the unexpected.


“HMRC has gone too far – it must stop pursuing the low-hanging fruit”
Last week, Telegraph Money reported how a homeless man who had managed to get back on his feet after years of living on the streets made sure to file his tax return for the period before he fell on hard times. HMRC’s response? To fine him for being late.
“Five ways you can protect yourself from the Brexit house price slump”
House prices have started to fall in many areas of the country, leading to fears of a full-blown house price crash. If house prices collapse across the board then homeowners should expect their property’s value to decrease, but there are ways to mitigate such losses.


“Thousands of workers hit with massive tax avoidance bills”
The 2019 loan charge means ill-advised IT and NHS contractors face staggering bills from HMRC.
“UK estate agents at their gloomiest for 10 years, says RICS”
Expectations, demand and sales expectations all down in latest market snapshot.


“Women paid extra for ‘graduated pension’ because they used to retire before men – so are they being short-changed now?”
Steve Webb examines some of the anomalies emerging from the equalisation of state retirement age between men and women.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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