Finance in the News – w/c 18.03.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Where millennials turn for financial advice”
Shunned by traditional advisers, younger investors use apps and digital platforms.
“A rollercoaster week for the pound”
After a volatile week, what’s sterling’s next move against the dollar?
“Wealth management customers set for fee shock in April”
Full list of charges to be disclosed for the first time under Mifid II rules.
“The fastest ‘double your money’ years for UK property”
New study shows how property profits vary according to the year in which you bought a home.
“Rich People’s Problems: Brexit ruined my dinner parties”
Wine, house prices, travel . . . is there any topic not blighted by the B-word?
“Would rising populism be so bad for investors in Europe?”
The eurozone is under siege from parties seeking a change to the current fiscal rules.


“Beware ‘comparison sites’ with big promises”
On Friday, Money searched Google for “best ISA rates”. The results included a number of typical-looking comparison websites. Many of them, however, mixed high-risk investment ISAs with the standard tax-free cash savings products.
“Brexit fuels demand for longer fixed-rate mortgages”
Yorkshire building society last week unveiled a market-leading five-year fixed-rate mortgage, at 2.01% for borrowers with a 15% deposit, saying people want a deal that will last them “through Brexit and beyond”.
“Where to invest your ISA to earn the best returns”
Willis Owen, an investment platform, lists the ten best-performing fund sectors since ISAs launched 20 years ago.


“Money Makeover: ‘Ill health means I can’t work. How do I invest to provide for my family?’ ”
Despite inflation eroding your money at an annual rate of 1.8pc this January, some high street banks are paying as little as 0.2pc to loyal savers. In the long run, global stock markets are the best place for your money.
“UK shares are looking cheap – and equity income investment trusts should benefit from any recovery”
If you’re wondering where to invest this year’s ISA, there is a compelling argument to deploy your cash in the London stock market and, more specifically, in the UK equity income investment trust sector, where a number of strong long-term performers can be found.


“Annuities: a £4bn pension heist, or a great opportunity to buy?”
Annuities have turned out to be fabulously profitable for Britain’s pension companies – and something of a disaster for many of those forced into them before pensions freedom began in 2015.
“FCA plans to ban or cap investment platform exit fees”
Britain’s financial watchdog plans to ban or cap exit fees charged by investment platforms as part of sweeping changes to the £500bn industry.


“Get on the dividend gravy train: We reveal the shares due for big payouts”
Over the next month, a whole raft of leading companies will make income payments to shareholders that in yield terms beat anything available from a bank savings account.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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