Finance in the News – w/c 18.05.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Tax: how will we pay for the pandemic measures?”
Previous manifesto promises could be broken and unpopular decisions made as the UK’s budget deficit mounts.
“Mortgage market springs back into action”
Lifting of restrictions frees up options for borrowers.
“Fund winners and losers in lockdown”
Gold funds dominate the highest performers.
“Worried about money? You are not alone”
Mental health and financial problems are intricately linked.
“How to prepare financially for the unexpected”
Seven ways to tackle changes to your financial plans.
“The wealthy should welcome an opportunity to reduce inequality”
Covid-19 has thrown the gap between the rich and not-rich into sharp focus — the time has come to take action.


“Stock-picking and coronavirus — what fund managers are buying now”
The most successful managers are not holding back. They are taking the plunge
“Curse of Neil Woodford strikes again”
A protégé of former star fund manager Neil Woodford held more than £170m in unquoted stocks in his four funds before leaving his job last week, analysis shows.


“The five best dividend payers you have never heard of”
Investors are turning to smaller companies for their income fix after cuts from the biggest payers.
“How to sell your home quickly at the highest price possible during lockdown”
Add a home office – by any means necessary – make the most of the garden, and get all your paperwork sorted.
“Pension savers unable to move their cash as trustees use emergency powers”
Pension transfers have been suspended at British Airways, Jaguar Land Rover and Tesco.


“Cash could be the latest victim of coronavirus – and may never recover”
More people are turning to online banking and contactless payments amid pandemic concerns.
“UK scheme signs up 440,000 self-employed workers on first day”
People whose finances have been impacted by coronavirus rush to claim cash grant.

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