Finance in the News – w/c 19.11.18


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Investment trusts see beauty in small companies”
Small-caps can see exciting returns — but be prepared for a bumpy ride say panellists for the FT.
“Warning over property peer-to-peer defaults”
Risks will increase if house prices fall and interest rates rise, warn critics
“New investors increasingly look to robo advisers”
But a cost-conscious breed of DIY clients typically have less capital
“Digital bank Starling to roost on the high street”
A partnership with the Post Office will enable customers to deposit and withdraw cash
“Financial services customers cling to paper statements”
Data shows that despite a rise in online banking, only 28% of financial services customers —were completely paperless in 2017.


“Taxman comes for the big bosses”
Finance directors of companies who have failed to stop their workers from avoiding tax are being penalised by the tax office
“What the Brexit uncertainty means for your money”
The Times considers the financial implications for borrowers and savers of a dramatic week in British politics.
“The return of 100% mortgages”
This week the Building Societies Association (BSA), an industry group, suggested that lenders could bring back controversial 100% mortgages to help more people onto the ladder.


“How banks are cashing in on the inheritance tax boom”
Families are increasingly being forced to fund huge death duty bills themselves, or take out expensive loans, to gain access to their inheritance.
“I’m calling a UK recession if this Brexit bedlam isn’t sorted out soon”
There’s the view among some that only if policymakers wake up to Britain’s now evident slowdown, and urgently take action against it, can an outright contraction be averted.


“Brexit: toppling me won’t help negotiations, May tells rebel Tory MPs”
PM says she thinks there are too few MPs pushing for a change of leader to trigger contest.
“All eyes on the Bank’s response to the threat of a disorderly Brexit”
A bloodbath prediction by Mark Carney would help the PM to get her withdrawal deal passed.


“Fury of the expats whose pensions frozen in time”
Campaigners are fighting to end a 70-year reign of injustice that has resulted in more than half a million retired expats receiving a poor pension deal – simply because of where they live.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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