Finance in the News – w/c 21.01.18


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Pensions watchdog urged to act on transfer advice”
Thousands in the dark despite firms having activities halted because of mis-selling.
“Stop worrying about Brexit — it’s time to invest in UK assets”
For investors, too much misery may now be embedded in the price of UK assets.
“Smaller companies deliver better returns than property”
‘Minnows’ index outstrips house price growth by more than three times.
“New investors: don’t be afraid to ask stupid questions”
For beginners, the world of investment is a minefield of jargon.
“Freelance fintech — can apps replace accountants?”
Technology could mean the days of the shoebox full of receipts are numbered.


“The new-style Bank of Mum and Dad”
Some mortgages allow families to add their incomes together to secure larger loans for first-time buyers
“Take a tax break through a venture capital trust”
The popularity of investing in start-up businesses is soaring, with investment up almost a third to £745 million in 2017-18. These investments offer tempting tax breaks, but come with higher than usual risks.


“Stockpickers in the saddle to overtake passive funds”
Over the past decade, the value of trackers has grown from around £22bn in 2008 to around £188bn today, according to figures from the Investment Association, a trade body. Bit there are exceptions to every rule.
“How politicians’ ‘inflation shopping’ is making all of us poorer”
A powerful Lords committee has accused the Government of cynically using different ways of measuring the cost of living to save the Treasury money and leave ordinary people out of pocket.


“Could renting without huge deposits become the norm?”
Tenants are being offered schemes that do away with the need for large amounts upfront.
“UK house prices fall at fastest rate in six years on back of Brexit – Rics”
Outlook for sales the weakest in two decades, say Britain’s surveyors.


“Savers given boost as inflation falls to 2.1% while report shines spotlight on CPI versus RPI – why does it matter?”
Inflation has closed in on the long-term target of two per cent – does that mean an interest rate rise off the table in 2019?

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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