Finance in the News – w/c 21.06.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


How culture shapes our money mentality
Human behaviour is much less predictable — or rational — than the finance industry likes to think.
FCA urges thousands to seek compensation over pension transfers
Letters sent to clients of IFAs who have since gone bust.
Surge in workers unwittingly put into ‘tax avoidance’ arrangements
Supply teachers and agency nurses among those put into umbrella company schemes.
Who’s afraid of 2.1% inflation?
Be concerned about the effect on your cash savings and stock markets.
Time for an investment step change
Go active in the US to capture mid-cap growth and shift to passive in the UK.
The million pound pension problem
Four taxing questions to ask well before your 60th birthday.


We lost 90% of our nest eggs backing Osborne’s budget boost for start-ups
Investors were given tax breaks to help small firms, but ten years on, many are counting the cost.
Inflation is the silent killer that is stalking all of us
Last week the Office for National Statistics reported that inflation had climbed from 1.5% to 2.1%.
Go slow and prepare for the worst
Six steps to running your own retirement.


Red-hot property market starts to cool as buyers priced out
The level of sales agreed has fallen, while house price growth has slowed amid a scarcity of homes for sale.
Where working at home is driving up house prices
A wave of pandemic relocators mean ‘a few Lambourghinis pass our office every day’, says one Norfolk agent.
Money Makeover: ‘I’m 42 – can I retire on half my salary at 65?‘”
Times reader wants to save for his future but doesn’t want to compromise on living today.


Do you want your pension to invest in companies harming the planet?
Environmentally conscious workers are challenging their employers or providers to offer greener funds.
House asking prices hit record levels across Great Britain
Rightmove data shows largest June increase since 2015 but economists suggest Covid boom may be fading.

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