Finance in the News – w/c 22.04.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Landlords can expect more to come following tenancy eviction reforms”
The trend to impose new rules on the growing private rented sector is unlikely to slow.
“Call for cap on workplace pension fund fees to be scrapped”
Investment body seeks new limits to allow portfolios of illiquid assets, such as infrastructure.
“Online platform connects the dots for aspiring landlords”
Dot Residential offers casual investors to build a property portfolio.
“Loyal home insurance customers pay a high price”
Those who stay with a provider can pay up to double compared with a new customer.
“Divorcees face lower legal bills under law reform”
Introduction of no-fault divorce will reduce tension in many cases.
“Record rise in decision-making powers given to friends and family”
Number of people with Lasting Powers of Attorney triples in five years.


“All estate agents have a wild side. New laws would rein them in”
A slowing property market is putting pressure on estate agents to boost sales, but some of their tactics can seem like desperation.
“Letting your home to fund your care? Beware of the council tax trap”
As one family found, using property to pay for your old age can lead to hefty council tax bills.
“Choose the slow route for the best investment returns”
Long-term investing with a veteran manager at the helm is the best way to outperform the market.


“Are you gambling on a risky insurance policy?”
Hundreds of thousands of consumers may have unwittingly bought unrated insurance and are unaware of the risks involved, despite a string of firms collapsing and a warning from the City watchdog.
“Millennial investor: is the best time to buy really when no one else is?”
The financial diary of a twentysomething’s quest to invest her way on to the property ladder.
“How buying over renting (with just a £17k deposit) could save you £1m”
Exclusive analysis by Private Finance, a mortgage broker, for Telegraph Money compared the average cost of buying and renting a £350,000 property on the same street in Brent Cross, north west London.

“The ‘boomerang’ generation still living with their parents”
Soaring house prices leave millions of young adults unable to afford to move out. How do the finances work for ‘boomerang’ generation families?
“An Isa with 8.24% fixed interest a year. Is that simply too good to be true?”
It’s an eye-catching offer popping up in Facebook newsfeeds this month. But, in the wake of a controversial mini-bonds scandal, people are wary. As one financial expert advises ‘stay away’, The Guardian spell out the facts


“Saver buys £2,500 of top-ups that ‘count towards’ but DON’T improve his state pension – as HMRC continues to defend mystifying system”
A saver who fell foul of the baffling state pension top-ups system was left nearly £2,500 out of pocket for over half a year before discovering his mistake ‘by chance’.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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