Finance in the News – w/c 22.07.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Life Two: What we used to call ‘retirement’”
Are you ready — psychologically and financially — for the next episode?
“Why every investor needs a few cockroaches in their portfolio”
Dividend income from utilities can soften the pain of a bear market.
“HMRC has ‘no idea’ how many trigger pensions tax trap”
Experts warn over-55s can be fined for falling foul of money purchase annual allowance.
“Inheritance tax: it’s really not so taxing”
Few people pay it, so what’s all the fuss about?
“Regulator probes concerns employers are avoiding pension role”
‘Small minority’ of businesses believed to be changing names to hide non-compliance.
“Inheritance tax: what does the future hold?”
The main proposals for reform of Britain’s ‘most hated tax’.


“‘Beware the hidden costs of credit”
Many people face exorbitant fees because they have no idea that activities such as gambling are considered a cash advance and charged as such, says the credit expert Totally Money.
“Millennial money: Don’t use your pension to buy a house”
Should you be able to dip into your pension to take out some cash for a house deposit without facing a hefty tax hit of 55%? Scottish Widows, an insurer, says yes.
“When it comes to property funds, cash is not king”
Three years after many investors in property funds were barred from getting their money out amid widespread suspensions, they are still being punished with poor performance.


“‘We are not bad people’: Telegraph landlords have their say over no-fault evictions as 600k plan to sell up”
Landlords claim that the end of so-called “no-fault” evictions will have a detrimental effect on their livelihood, as a new report predicts hundreds of thousands of rental property owners are considering selling up.
“Savers should ‘rethink where their money is’ before Boris Johnson gets elected”
The advent of Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister will be both good and bad from a personal finance perspective. On the one hand, Mr Johnson plans to increase the threshold for paying high-rate income tax from £50,000 to £80,000. This could benefit three million people and save someone earning £80,000 around £6,000 a year in tax.
“Mortgage rates rocket: the 11 deals below 1.5% which can save you £3,300 a year”
Mortgage rates have risen by more than a tenth in the last two years, but homeowners can still save thousands of pounds a year by taking advantage of the best deals on the market.


“Tenants will be given access to rogue landlord database”
Campaigners have welcomed government plans to open up its rogue landlord database to prospective tenants, as part of proposals to give greater protection to renters.
“How can we reduce inheritance tax on my mother’s property?”
Q: Would I, together with my sister, be able to become a joint owner of my mother’s property so that the house wouldn’t be counted as part of her estate for inheritance tax purposes? Is this possible and if so what is the best way to go about this?


“Woodford bombshell”
Why his flagship fund may never reopen as a devastating analysis reveals the depth of the crisis.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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