Finance in the News – w/c 24.02.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“How to ‘do the splits’ on your mortgage”
Borrowers seeking greater flexibility on home loans ask brokers to split the difference.
“Government challenged over take-up of Pension Credit”
94,000 fewer people received the income top-up last year.
“‘A few pounds’ of compensation could trigger pension tax charge”
HMRC issues guidance over payments to equalise pensions for men and women in final salary schemes.
“What happens if my broker fails?”
I use an online stock broker to purchase shares in quoted companies.
“Pensions tax relief on a slippery slope”
You might not like the thought of paying tax on your pension contributions — but it’s coming.
“The puzzle of managing money”
Why do so many people act illogically over their savings?


“How to make the most of your tax allowances”
Tax relief on savings is once more under threat. So use your allowances while you can, says Mark Atherton.
“NS&I can still pay the best rates despite cuts”
Locking your money up for longer can be the way to boost your returns.
“Will I lose my benefits if I take my dad’s inheritance?”
Gill Walton is 44 and single, and has been unable to work for the past three years because she suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome.


“The secret trick that can save retirees thousands”
New retirement mortgages have enjoyed little success, but the bar for these loans may be too high.
“Seven reasons not to buy a shared ownership home”
Shared ownership schemes promise an easy way to buy property, but can carry high costs.
“Now flood-hit homeowners face house price falls of a quarter”
Storms Ciara and Dennis have brought more devastating floods. What could it mean for local property markets?


“With rates so low where should you put your extra cash?”
Long-suffering savers have fewer accounts to choose from and some customers are being paid no interest at all.
“The budget: What it might mean to you”
How you are currently taxed, what the new chancellor might change, and what, if anything, you can do about it.


“How to invest in the future of healthcare”
The funds and investment trusts helping pioneer a medical revolution.

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