Finance in the News – w/c 25.01.21


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“Housing transactions hit 13-year high”
Latest figures reveal galvanising impact of lockdown and stamp duty holiday.
“Covid ‘changing’ investment advisory industry, says funds chief”
Taking new role at Netwealth, Edward Bonham Carter says pandemic has prompted savers to reassess their finances.
“UK dividends set to remain depressed in 2021, says report”
Earnings fell to £61bn last year, the lowest for nine years.
“Markets love the colour of Biden’s money”
But the trillions of dollars of stimulus packages will surely result in inflation.
“Consumers deserve stronger, faster protection”
We all pay the price for the FCA’s inadequacies.


“Shrinking economy raises double-dip recession fears”
Britain is at risk of a double-dip recession after a closely watched survey suggested that the economy is contracting at its sharpest pace since May under the weight of a third national lockdown.
“Sir Paul Tucker interview: QE has run its course”
A decade, a pandemic and £895 billion of QE later, Sir Paul thinks enough is enough. Although he is still too much a central banker to speak unequivocally he does clarify when asked that he is saying there is no role for more QE, assuming the vaccines work.
“We must reach out to young people in the wounded Covid-19 generation”
For those young people who have recently entered the workforce, or are poised to do so later this year, it is an acutely uncertain time.


“Extend stamp duty holiday to allow cladding victims to benefit too, Chancellor urged”
Homeowners trapped in unsellable homes will miss out on the tax break as well as facing potential remediation costs.
“Bitcoin struggles to shake off ‘Ponzi scheme’ reputation”
Digital currency has nearly tripled in value in the past 12 months but divides opinion.
“Don’t be distracted by property levy rumours – the dreaded wealth tax is far more likely”
We already know the Government is looking at raising capital gains and taxing wealth.


“More than half of UK households fear losing savings in Covid crisis”
More than a third of households in the UK have not managed to put aside any money since the first coronavirus lockdown began last year, and more than half are worried about running out of savings, a survey has found.
“Buyers of brand-new homes face £20,000 bill to make them greener”
Critics say the costs could have been avoided if ministers had agreed to bring in low-carbon standards sooner.

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