Finance in the News – w/c 25.02.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“What price pension freedoms?”
George Osborne’s key policy had unintended consequences for millions which are only now becoming apparent.
“‘£3.6bn stuck in UK ‘orphan funds’, warns report”
Research from Morningstar identifies nearly 200 sub-scale funds that can be poor value for investors.
“Parents shun government’s tax-free childcare scheme”
Only £32m of estimated £390m has been claimed during the first year.
“Tax-efficient VCT market suffers drop in demand after rule change”
Sector hit by negativity among retail investors.
“Isle of Man offers tax breaks to attract workers’”
British Crown dependency offers ‘national insurance holiday’ worth nearly £4,000.
“We must find the right fix for defined benefit pensions”
Superfunds’ reform could put the system on a sounder footing.


“Is investing just for grown-ups, or child’s play?”
Three families have been given £4,000 each to turn a profit, but will parents or youngsters come out on top?
“Can you retire better off than your parents?”
Today’s young no longer expect to sail off into the sun when they retire. But is there better savings news on the horizon? The Times asks the experts.
“Call for competition watchdog to investigate probate ‘death tax’”
The competition watchdog has been urged to investigate whether a planned increase in probate fees — sometimes called a “death tax” — is in breach of competition law.


“The hidden cost of Brexit: how political wrangling has derailed vital consumer protections”
Vital consumer protections have fallen by the wayside thanks to the Government’s slow progress on Brexit, experts have claimed.
“How brokers cream the interest off your cash ”
Brokers and fund shops are raking in millions of pounds by skimming off the interest earned on your uninvested money. Investment providers pool the cash that clients hold in their Isas or investment accounts and spread it across a range of banks.


“Just how ethical is ethical investment?”
Supposedly environmental stock market indices used to help investors allocate hundreds of billions of pounds in investments include some of the world’s biggest contributors to fossil fuel pollution.
“Brexit: what happens the next day if there is no deal?”
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, what will be the immediate impact on your finances, rights and travel plans?


“Interest rates could be slashed into negative territory for the first time ever to save the economy from no-deal Brexit chaos, warns former BoE policymaker”
David Blanchflower told the Press Association that policymakers may be left with little option but to take rates into negative territory if a no-deal Brexit sends shockwaves through the economy.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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