Finance in the News – w/c 25.03.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“Peer-to-peer pressure: do the risks outweigh the rewards?”
With record amounts invested in the sector, the financial regulator is preparing a crackdown on its marketing.
“The rise of the 40-year mortgage”
More than half of lending deals on the market can be stretched beyond the traditional 25 years.
“Clean, green — but will it offer investment returns?”
Institutional bond investors are nervous about the energy industry and its long-term debts.
“Ten financial mistakes you need to avoid”
An adviser, in their 20 years of experience, shares some of the most common blunders.
“Auto enrolment comes of age — but contributions are far too small”
Any rise must start with employers, who at the moment get away with paying in practically nothing.
“The rise of the #MeOnly society”
The FT’s Roger Blitz believes we are becoming more selfish and this will change the way they behave – and affect the companies they work for.


“The star fund manager hiding a £17bn secret”
Thousands of investors trust Terry Smith with their life savings. Yet in nine years he has never published his full holdings.
“ISA interest rates climb as deadline draws near”
With more than 400 cash ISAs on the market, average savings rates on the tax-free accounts have reached a 12-month high.
“Landlords left open to legal action”
A court has ruled that the government’s right to rent policy, introduced to stop illegal tenants, breaks the law. So what now?


“ISA v pensions – what wins in the battle for your £10k?”
Where should you put your spare cash to get the biggest bang for your buck?
“How to invest like… the fund that makes money for 7,500 charities”
Telegraph Money often highlights the five-decade-long records of dividend growth achieved by investment trusts such as City of London because of the obvious value of such reliable income growth to retired savers. But one less well-known fund arguably has an even better record.


“Retirement interest-only mortgages offer lifeline to older borrowers”
Demand is growing for a new type of home loan that helps the over-55s facing a shortfall at the end of their existing term.
“Cashless Britain: over-55s and low earners at risk of being left behind”
Study warns banks to adapt offerings to help consumers to use mobile or online banking.


“I want to marry, but avoid disinheriting my adult children:”
How to ensure your children stay your heirs.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.


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