Finance in the News – w/c 26.08.19


Short summaries of articles we think you will find useful from some of the weekend’s broadsheets.


“How to recession-proof your investment portfolio”
Bond markets signal volatile times ahead, so investors should take stock now.
“Reasons to be fearful about investing”
The divorce of the US and Chinese economies will affect everything in your portfolio
“Six ways to manage money — and not fall out with your partner”
Couples share how they divide their incomes and outgoings — and joint accounts are falling out of favour.
“Johnson allies urge him to honour loan charge pledge”
Letter reveals PM backed suspending the loan charge months before he entered No 10.
“How inflation is costing you more than you think”
Small difference between RPI and CPI adds up to an awful lot over time.
“Q&A: The inheritance battle over which parent died first”
T Lawyers say tragic case highlights the importance of estate planning


“Those in poor health are let down by pension providers”
Hundreds of thousands of pensioners are locked into poorly paying schemes.
“Mortgage lenders give pregnant freelancers a wide berth”
Self-employed mothers-to-be have to push harder to get a loan.
“Annuity firms must accept tougher penalties to rebuild trust”
Hundreds of thousands of pensioners have lower incomes because the firms they entrusted their retirement savings to were too greedy to say they could shop around for a better deal.


“‘Buy-to-let property or stock market: where is best to invest £50k?”
There have been dark clouds over the buy-to-let market for some time. Investors have seen their returns squeezed as favourable tax returns have been removed, while the proposed withdrawal of no-fault eviction powers has left thousands of landlords pondering their future.
“Bank of Mum and Dad costs over-55s their retirement”
A fifth of retirees are raiding their pensions to help younger family members get on the housing ladder, even when it leaves them worried about affording their own retirement plans and working longer.
“The Bitcoin bull: how I made 4,000pc investing in cryptocurrencies”
Case study: It’s not a store of value or “digital gold” as some would have it. It pays no dividend and holding it and waiting for the price to shoot up is nothing more than currency speculation.


“Public sector to launch ‘mass legal battle’ over pension reforms”
Teachers and doctors claim changes to pensions in 2015 were ‘discriminatory’.
“UK banks face week of hunger strikes and protests”
Action will take place against Clydesdale, Danske and Lloyds over alleged mis-sold loans.


“Bank of England finally admits Governor Mark Carney held talks with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg as row rages over new currency”
The Bank of England Governor is thought to have discussed the social network’s controversial plans for a digital currency, which will let people send money to each other without a bank account.

Please note that, due to copyright, we are no longer able to include a direct link to the newspaper article.

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