Finance in the News – w/c 29.06.20


Short summaries of recent articles we think you will find useful from some of the UK’s broadsheets.


“ISA savers retreat to cash despite poor returns”
The latest Isa figures showed UK investors shied away from stock markets last year.
“Q&A: High earners in line for pay-outs after court ruling”
Pension Protection Fund’s cap on retirement benefits ruled unlawful.
“Is UK property sold on misplaced optimism?”
The release of ‘pent-up demand’ is remarkable.
“Low interest rates are a tax on savers”
Central bankers cannot find a way to help borrowers without hurting savers.
“The mind-bending world of financial hybrids”
Yields of 6% or more beckon, but be aware of the risks.
“Millions on furlough in fear of redundancy”
Workers with savings could soon find out they’re not entitled to many benefits.


“Investors take £10bn flight from US stocks”
With fears of a new market crash, worried savers are grabbing their profits.
“The £10m investment hangover”
Buyers fear they will be left with nothing but a bad taste in their mouths after their wines go missing.
“Tax the oldies: why pensioners’ perks are now under threat”
Free bus passes, winter fuel payments and the triple lock could be axed to pay the virus bill.


“Drawdown pensioners could save £12,300 by switching provider as many face extortionate fees”
Complex and confusing charging structures are making it difficult for pensioners to work out how much they are paying in fees.
“Delaying probate threatens to spring costly money traps”
Bereaved families that delay administering the estates of their lost loved ones because of Covid-19 are in danger of falling into costly financial traps.
“Five funds to get you through the coming recession”
The International Monetary Fund expects British GDP to drop 10pc this year, so buckle up with these funds.


“We’ve had to rein in our spending’: how coronavirus has hit household incomes”
The finances of a full spectrum of people in the UK are being affected. The Guardian ask how they have fared.
“Only 13% of UK working parents want to go back to ‘the old normal’”
Survey shows people want to continue with more fulfilling and family-friendly work environments.

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