Barbie Turns 65 – How Should We Plan Her Retirement?


Barbie, the iconic doll, turns 65 this year, marking a milestone in her illustrious career.

Despite her fictional nature, with numerous professions and accomplishments to her name, Barbie’s financial situation offers an interesting case study for retirement planning. As she transitions from her vibrant career into retirement, here is how we could assist in helping her plan for the future.


Our core belief is that good financial planning starts with understanding Barbie’s current position along with where she would like to be in the future. We demonstrate this through our ability to create bespoke lifestyle models. In our experience, being able to contextualise what the road ahead may look like, through lifestyle modelling, can greatly assist with the decision-making process.

We would begin by identifying the type of lifestyle Barbie would envisage having in her golden years; this would involve helping understand her income requirements, which would be categorised as essential expenditure – to cater for everyday expenses – and then discretionary expenditure, such as holidays, indulgences (i.e. shoes!) and the other odd treat!


One of the primary considerations in Barbie’s retirement planning is the consolidation of her multiple pensions. Over the years, Barbie has performed many roles, including a doctor, astronaut, engineer, and more. Each career likely entailed different retirement plans and pension schemes and ,by consolidating these pensions, this could help simplify the management process, reduce administrative costs, and provide a clearer picture of her overall retirement income.

It may be the case that during Barbie’s illustrious career, these pension pots are set to provide her certain benefits, such as a guaranteed income in the form of Defined Benefit Pensions and not to forget her state pension entitlement. Working with a Financial Planner can help Barbie understand how these various pots work and whether consolidating is within her best interests.


A common misconception we often hear is Clients wanting to “de-risk” at the point of retirement. We get it, you want to preserve your hard-earned savings and investments. However, a salient point to bear in mind is these pensions will still be required to sustain Barbie’s needs for the remainder of her lifetime.

When devising a suitable investment strategy, it is vital Barbie holds a variety of investments within her pension, ensuring she is well diversified to help mitigate the ups and downs of the investment markets. Understanding Barbie’s tolerance for risk and her previous investment journey would be crucial in devising a strategy which aligns to her goals and experience of risk. Consideration could also be given to a bucketing approach, ensuring provisions are in place both for the short and long term.


With Barbie having held numerous roles and positions, a life of no longer working could seem daunting! We believe retirement is more than just a phase of life; it is an opportune moment for Barbie to hopefully not feel obliged to work and pursue other interests.

To assist Barbie, and all our Clients, Finura has teamed up with special guest speaker Celia Dodd, journalist and author of the acclaimed book “Not Fade Away”, for our next event. Celia will share invaluable insights on navigating the transition into retirement. Join us on 21st May and hear from Celia and Finura Co-Founder Toby Owen-Browne on why retirement is not just about financial security; it’s about finding meaning and fulfilment in your next chapter of life. Click here to sign up.


In conclusion, Barbie’s 65th birthday marks an opportune moment to plan for her retirement. By working with a financial planner, she can take the necessary steps and precautions to ensure her golden years are just as vibrant and adventurous as her iconic career. A Financial Planner can greatly assist in devising a suitable roadmap for the coming years but, more importantly, allow Barbie to have confidence to retire on her terms whilst pursuing what is truly important to her.

Written by Gush Verdding, Chartered Financial Planner

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