How To Get Access To Your Child’s Trust Fund


From the 1 September 2020 millions of teenagers have been able to benefit for the first time from money in Child Trust Funds (CTFs) on reaching the age of 18.

CTFs were originally set up for children born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011, with a live Child Benefit claim. Around 6.3 million CTF accounts have been set up, roughly 4.5 million by parents or guardians and a further 1.8 million set up by HMRC, where parents or guardians did not open an account.

The first CTFs began to mature in September 2020, when the oldest account holders turned 18, and the last CTFs will mature in 2029.

On maturity, CTFs can either be cashed in or transferred into an adult ISA. If the CTF provider isn’t informed of what the account holder would like to do with the CTF funds when the plan matures, the money will be held in a ‘protected account’ until the provider is contacted.

Around 55,000 accounts will mature each month and HMRC has created a simple online tool to help young people find out where their account is held.

If a parent or guardian is unsure of where their child’s CTF account is held, they can also use this tool. For those who do not have the identifying information required to access the tool, HMRC will provide alternative, non-digital routes to finding a CTF provider upon request.

If you opened a CTF for your child and would like to find out where the account is held, you can access the tool here. Alternatively, for assistance, please contact your adviser.

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