Securing Your Legacy: The Importance Of Creating A Will To Safeguard Your Wealth


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be easy to overlook essential aspects of financial planning. One such crucial component is creating a Will, a document that ensures your wealth is distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. In England, having a Will is not just a legal formality, it’s a powerful tool to protect your hard-earned assets and secure your legacy for future generations.

For Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and trusts, Finura works in partnership with Beneficial Family Wills. Here, Amy Peters, a member of the Institute of Professional Will Writers, an associate member of the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners and an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, highlights the importance of creating a Will as a vital means of protecting your family wealth.

Control over your estate

When you create a Will, you gain control over the distribution of your estate. Without a Will the intestacy laws in England will determine how your assets are divided, potentially leaving loved ones in a difficult situation. By specifying your wishes in your Will you can ensure that your wealth goes to the people and the causes that matter most to you.

Provide for your loved ones

A Will allows you to provide for your family and loved ones in a way that you see fit. Whether it’s ensuring financial stability for your spouse, children or other dependants, a carefully drafted Will can address specific needs and circumstances. This can include naming guardians for minor children, specifying gifts or bequests, and allocating financial resources for education or other purposes.

Minimising conflict and legal challenges

The absence of a Will can lead to disputes amongst family members over the distribution of assets. This can result in legal battles that not only strain relationships but also deplete the estate through legal fees. By clearly outlining your wishes in a Will, you reduce the likelihood of disagreements and provide a legally binding document that helps prevent potential conflicts.

Tax planning and maximising tax allowances

Creating a Will enables you to engage in strategic tax planning.  Inheritance tax particularly can significantly impact the value of your estate. With proper estate planning you can take advantage of the applicable exemptions and reliefs preserving more of your wealth for the benefit of your beneficiaries.

Creating a Will is not just about managing your wealth after you’re gone; it’s about ensuring your legacy lives on in a way that aligns with your values and priorities. In the UK, there is a legal framework that exists to protect individuals wishes and the basis of this is creating a Will. A comprehensive Will is an investment in the financial security and wellbeing of future generations.

Don’t leave your legacy to chance – if you would like to discuss setting up or changing your Will, please speak to your financial planner who can put you in touch with a member of the Beneficial Family Wills team.

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